the Livestock Industry is a chaos
data sharing Incentives are broken, and just a few are payed for the datasets
so hold the value of your data on-chain,
charging others for its usage.
Join 10,000+ ranchers
building your data savings
Standards & Interoperability
Users can quickly locate items in the supply chain in real time by querying food product identifiers such as Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or Universal Product Code (UPC), using product name and filtering by date.
Permission & Governance
Peers in a transaction can only access data for which they have permission.
Permissioned data access is an integral part of BovCrypto.
Access controls ensure that the owners of the data maintains full control over who can access it on the network.
Data Control & Privacy
Shared, permission-based view of the information, enabling convenient data publishing and controlled information sharing.
To achieve this goal, this technology allows participants to sign in and control access to their encrypted blockchain data.
Audit and Compliance
Facilitates easy auditing of transactions and activities on the blockchain.
Assists organizations in maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.
Blockchain Infrastructure
All data is stored in blockchain ledgers, secured with the highest level of tamper-resistant encryption commercially available, designed to provide a secure and scalable foundation for enterprise chain.
Preserves data ownership and privacy through advanced consensus mechanisms, permissioned networks, and cryptographic techniques.
Smarter usage of your farms’ data
We storage Ag data on chain to increase farmers freedom.
We are designing a new economy for farmers, supporting stakeholders to create scarcity of high quality data.
Not sharing every data point with others randomly and building ways of selling it properly will fix the incentives, driving more and better digitization.
Advanced Differentiators
Unlimited employee registration & Multiproperties
✔️ Immutable data;
✔️ One farm per user;
✔️ Free storage of your Ag Data on Chain;
✔️ Limited animal release (up to 300);
✔️ Limited land release (up to 500 acres);
IMPORTANT: at this FREE package you are getting sponsored but someone who is going to have access to your data.
Storage Capacity: 8,000 GB
Advanced Package
✔️ Immutable data;
✔️ Up to 10 farms per user;
✔️ No middle-man charging to save for you;
✔️ Storage of your Ag Data on Chain;
✔️ Unlimited animal release;
✔️ Unlimited land release;
IMPORTANT: no one is going to have access to your data, unless you provide the keys or sell datasets to someone else.
Storage Capacity: 32,000 GB
Frequently asked questions
A crypto Ag Data is every kind of data in Agriculture or Livestock value-chain properly encrypted.
Encryption is when we change electronic information or signals into a secret code (system of letters, numbers, or symbols) that people cannot understand).
This way we make sure only it's owner has the key to access its datasets.
Tokenization refers to a process by which a piece of data, such as a social security number, is replaced by a surrogate value known as a token.
There are currently three basic types of tokens: utility, commodity and security.
Each has its own regulations, levels of scrutiny, complexities and many examples that are already being applied today.
BovCrypto Inc. is one separate entity that is specialized in blockchain.
Yes! One of the tokens that BovCrypto is developing for its Corporate clients can be used to offset carbon emissions (retiring process), as they represent 1 Ton of carbon removed from the atmosphere.
Ready to get started?
Join the Ag Data Ownership network for farmers